Check the amount of animal hair in the home is a very important treatment for allergic pets. Here are some examples of what I do in my fight against the dog allergy.
Monitoring of the environment
- Keep dogs out of the room , My dogs are not allowed on my bed or even in my room, it is important to create at least one dog-free room in your home where you can breathe cleaner, less dander saturated air Unfortunately, hot air heating and air conditioning will continue to spread the allergens in your home, unless you install a central air conditioner.
- HEPA filter, Â Use HEPA air cleaners HEPA air in all rooms (no dogs allowed), and family room (dogs) Central heating in my house has an electrostatic air filter to help clean the air distributed by the central house HEPA air cleaner is ideal, but if you do not, portable room air purifiers are much better than no HEPA air filters can make a difference for people with asthma and pet allergies, In addition, you can use cheap air allergenic disposable filters to capture microscopic allergens like dust, smoke and smog particles and large allergens as mold spores and pet dander , you can also try to cover the air vents in your home with vent guards or cheese cloth
- Use baby gates or  barrier   for the dogs down, away from the bedrooms of upstairs.
- Avoid wall to wall carpet , My house is empty, the floor wash in every room where my dogs spend their time-to-carpet wall contains dandruff and it is difficult to keep clean .
- Frequently bathing of dog , I bathe my dogs often are my dogs without hair, so it is very fast with a mild dog shampoo prevents excessive drying of skin baths can greatly reduce the level of allergen skin bathing twice per week is recommended in a study of allergy 1999 If you have the hair of her boyfriend own dog, use a respirator while painting and doing skins .
- Keep your dog healthy skin  , Dermatitis often causes accelerated skin cells shed
- Seventh dog wash bedding, clothes and soft toys often I wash all dog bedding, pillows, doggie shirts, and soft dog toys frequently with detergent fragrance soft dog beds without love Perla (see dog beds) plastic heady duty. They are durable, inexpensive and can be easily cleaned with a dog dander. I use standard bed pillows as cushions man for 24 beds Perla. I attach the pads with anti-allergen pillow covers (see allergy) and pillowcases. I was both covers often. When platelets begin to feel doggy, I just threw them away and buy new ones within three to five dollars. You can also try using an anti-allergen detergent to wash your dog eighth .
- Get Things leather furniture instead of fabric I cover my leather sofas living room with leaves to prevent dog dander deposits on them, the plates washed often and my dogs are allowed on sofas ,leather sofa is the ideal material for allergy sufferers.
- Having dogs free reserved seats, have reserved seats in the family room No dog is allowed in my comfortable chair, but are allowed on the couch where the rest of the family is sitting in a chair, free dog dander watching TV is a significant difference in my level of asthma .
- Vacuum frequently with a HEPA vacuum cleaner to try to move a lot I have a vacuum with a HEPA filter (see allergy) vacuum floors, furniture, blinds, and all other surfaces.
- Air chamber open the windows occasionally to leave pet allergens in the air in the air, but not when pollen is increase outside.
- Wash your hands ,I wash my hands after petting my dogs, and washing my face helps me to avoid touching your eyes or face when I play with my dogs
- Change clothes, often change my clothes, when you leave your dog in your arms helps to remove the dog hair I throw these clothes directly in the laundry hamper.
- Put your clothes to your dog, I noticed that I can not stand my hairless dog allergywise better if they are wearing clothes, if it is hot, I can guarantee that their clothing is made of a thin, crisp cotton fabric and breathable synthetic fabrics that do not use make the sweat of your dog, the dog seems to aggravate sweating Change allergies more clothes and wash the dog on a daily basis.
- Dog dander  border by car, Avoid transporting dogs in the car, I try to keep my car free sleeping dog, unless you have another machine, you can cover the car seat with a sheet or blanket washable pet, or use a washable car seat covers  designed for pet owners leather seats the car is perfect
- Avoid clutter in  home, try, but not always so successful: O) to avoid the clutter in my house, it collects dust and pet dander, tiny dog allergens are sticky, that ;they attach to the surface .
- Products to reduce allergens, Some people have reported a reduction in allergy dog when the dog is used Allerpet D (see allergy) solution, while others do not notice any difference at all Allerpet approach is applied to peel your dogs can also spray areas where your dogs spend their time (carpets, sofas) with an anti-allergen spray , it disables the alleged animal allergy